Drama Doing Good

Child marriage is a pressing issue in Zimbabwe: it was recently reported that a staggering 20% of married women in the country are under 18. However, the young educated population is striving to change that statistic.

Plan Zimbabwe, a non-profit organisation promoting child freedom, in collaboration with Zimbabwe’s INTWASA Art Festival, is aiming to cultivate appreciation for both drama and child rights. Students can create and perform short dramas related to child marriage in The Plan High Schools Drama Competition.

The competition targets secondary and high school aged children, and allows the participators to create and star in their own works. Students must submit their entries before March 30th, and their performances will be seen by approximately 5,000 students.

Through drama and participation, the difficult topic of child marriage becomes accessible for all ages. By creating a dialogue between children and spreading awareness across a younger generation, child marriage will begin to disappear as youth become educated.

-Francesca Toscano, Intern at FORWARD