Female Genital Mutilation: A Crime Against Women

Female Genital Mutilation: A Crime Against Women

Yuvon Osi journalist and playwright has created a play on the practice of FGM and from her research has written a article for Huffington Post.

“During the two years that I spent researching and developing a play based on Female Genital Mutilation, I met a number of agencies that work in preventative capacities, including Project Azure (The Metropolitan Police Child Protection Unit), the NHS and Forward U.K. Aside from the physical violation, it became clear to me that Female Genital Mutilation was designed to destroy the spirit and self-worth of young girls before they developed into women”.

Click [Female Genital Mutilation: A crime against women.](http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/yvonne-ossei/female-genital-mutilation_1_b_1822156.html) to read the full article

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